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Eight square meters

Client: Siamak Sharmpour

Location: TEHRAN – IRAN

Type: Commercial/Interior

Status: Design

Area: 8 sqm

Date: 2017


Architect: Morteza Alinia Moghadam – Hamid Babaei

Modeling & Rendering: Bahareh Sheisi – Marzieh Golshahi

Post Production: Bahareh Sheisi

Presentation: Andishe Oskoui

Project Description:

The eight-square-meter project is the reconstruction of a space for fast food delivery.

The project was divided into two parts, one space for cooking, which was designed according to the needs of the employer, and one space for ordering food and customer waiting that we were allowed to design this section.

This space was about eight square meters. To design this small space, the most important issue was the readability and harmony of all the elements forming the space. In this way, the floor, wall and ceiling in the design were considered as an integrated volume covered with wooden logs, which, by creating perspective, caused the dynamics in the interior space.

The common wall between the kitchen space and the food ordering space was colored yellow, so it could distinguish itself from the space.

Finally, the project's facade was also covered with a detail of wood to distinguish the project from its surroundings. Eventually, we came to a design that despite the limitation in the area it had features that captivate the user to itself.